August 29, 2009

I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts

My boss and another good friend co-worker of mine have their birthdays within a week of one another. I always ask them what kind of cake they want and each year they make a joint decision on a shared cake.

This year the request was a coconut cream cake. I immediately thought of Ina's recipe and decided this was the time to try it. Only problem is, our house is on the market and we've packed up a lot of stuff - including my round cake pans.

I had my large wilton sheet cake pan out so I decided I'd make that size - since a 8.5x11 is never big enough to feed my office on.

Unfortunately that meant having to double the batter recipe -which then turned out to be too much and left me with a small square cake pan of the cake as well.

Overall, everyone raved about the cake - it was good - but not quite as moist as I'd like my piece of cake. Maybe the pan was too big so the cake was too dense. I don't know - I know I would make it again in my round pans the next time I try it.

The recipe is from Food Network and can be found here.

Gosh I love me some coconut!!

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